To promote the research and development of Wireless Power Transfer technology, the International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer (ICWPT) aims to provide a platform for international experts and scholars to exchange and cooperate. The first conference in 2021 was sponsored by China Electrotechnical Society (CES) and co-sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS) and Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific (EVAAP).
The 2022 International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer (ICWPT’2022) will be held in Chongqing, China from October 28th to 31st, 2022. This conference is an important parallel conference of the annual conference of China Electrotechnical Society. The conference will be held offline and jointly held online. The official languages are English and Chinese. The presentation PPTs and submitted papers can be in English or Chinese, and excellent papers will be recommended for journal publications.